Tuesday, August 9, 2011


When I was young, the Republicans were the stodgy party. Sensible, responsible, conservative... too conservative for my tastes, but decidedly not loony (well, except for Lyndon Larouche). But over the years, they've drifted farther and farther into loony land -- a land that was once the sole dominion of the left. When did that happen? Was it with Reagan's election? I thought he was bad, but I had no idea how much worse it would get. Reagan was a brain trust compared to George II, and at least had charm. Bush Jr. had neither. But even he was a bright spark compared with Palin and Bachman. I just shake my head in wonder. How do these bozos get so far?

And how does America vote? How can it oscillate between Clinton/Bush/Obama? I think swing voters are really just morons who vote largely based on the height of the candidate. Ooh, he's tall! Fortunately, neither Bachman nor Palin are as tall as Obama, so maybe we're safe for this next election. Better check the stats on that yahoo from Texas...