Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Why the federal government should invest in cities

There are many reasons why Obama, in his second term, should start investing heavily in cities.

1) WPA 2.0
There are many WPA style projects that could really benefit the unemployed, while also benefiting cities. These projects would put people to work, and help rebuild the economy while also strengthening our cities.

2) Why cities?
Because that's where 80% of the people live, and that's where the wealth is created.

Also, it is more environmentally friendly (ironically) to centralize people in cities, rather than having them spread out in suburbs or in the countryside. Leaves more open space for the critters.

3) A couple projects that come to mind:
a) Put cables Underground
Already some neighborhoods (mostly the rich ones) have their cables underground. But this should be done throughout all our cities. Federal money could be put towards this effort. All neighborhoods would become more beautiful. This would help attract people to cities, and retain them there (rather than fleeing to the burbs).
b) More smart traffic signals
A hybrid vehicle recycles energy from braking. But all cars, hybrid and non, would be even more efficient if they could avoid needless stops. Smart traffic signals would both improve traffic flow, and provide better fuel economy.
c) Free public transportation
Think how many more people would take public transport if it were free. One may ask: how can a city afford this? The same way it affords to pave streets, and man the fire department. Taxes. However by making public transport free, there will be less traffic and parking congestion, and the increase in people living in the city (because it's a more attractive place to be, what with the underground wires and free public transport) will provide a larger tax base with which to fund free public transport. I once heard Gavin Newsom propose this idea, and it blew my mind.

I hope these are the sort of things Obama does in his second term. That would be a great legacy.