Saturday, November 12, 2011

Obama should grow a pair

I recently read that President Obama bemoaned the fact that he had not done a better job of reaching across the aisle to build a stronger bipartisan relationship with the Republicans in the Senate. Echos of Neville Chamberlain. Does he really believe that this was remotely possible? The Republican party has become so self serving... their ONLY goal is power, at the expense of America. It's ok if the economy suffers -- in fact, all the better if it does, because American suffering increases their chances of regaining power. I suspect De Toqueville had something to say about this.

I wish Obama would lay the blame for the troubled economy where it belongs:
a) Deregulation of finance
b) The Bush tax cuts
c) The Bush wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Forget the olive branch. It's time for bare knuckles politics, Chicago style. Something that Barack knows a thing or two about.

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